
by Squla



Fun learning quizzes on all subjects for primary school

Children can fuel their curiosity anytime with the Squla app for tablet and mobile phone. The app allows children to play and learn with Squla on the go (with free quizzes for non-members).Play Squlas fun educational quizzes on your mobile phone. Squla members can easily log in with their own Squla-account. See you progress in your personal report and collect coins for in game rewards or real life presents!Intrigued by the possibilities but want to it out first? Download the app and explore Squla with a free demo!The Squla app features content for early years through to K6.Improve mathematical skills, practice language, learn European capital cities- every child has a reason to be engaged and excited by Squla.Fun curriculum based games and quizzes supporting childrens learning at home and on the go.Thank you for using Squla! We continuously improve our app. Sometimes with new features, always with improvements for speed and reliability. Hope you enjoy it!

Read trusted reviews from application customers

it's not working on my device fix this

Tijs Hartsuiker


Flor Mariel Soto Paucar

ik vind als de school van spula weg moet en dat is niet zo leuk zelf woensdag schrok iedeeren en somige kideren waren boos omdat ze geen spula kan doen op woensdag maar waarrom kan je niet om 20:20 doen plaats van 8:30 tot 15:00 waarrom eigenlijk je kan beter om 11:45 tot 20:20 dat vind ik maar waarrom moet dit voor school maar je kan toch als de school en de vakantie. Kinderen willen ook thuis willen spelen. maar dit is geen haat

mini maluku53


Rahwa Habtom

Squla the airport now at the airport now flight is also not see the test results and

Anum Marnah

Ik Ben. Blij. Van squla

Musab Issa


Khawar Shahzad

This is probably the worst app I every saw in my life. It doesn't even work. You have to pay to much money and you can't even log in on you're other device ot suck it should be fixed


Perfect app

fondk abdu

I love this the app help alot on school for my kids its amazing

Julia thu