
by Squla



Play Squla everywhere, now for members (with free quizzes for non-members).Play the fun learning quizzes via Squla now everywhere via your mobile phone. Squla-members can login easily with their own Squla-account and play all the learning quizzes. The results played with Squla will count for your personal report and recieved coins will be saved in your Squla-account.
Not a member of Squla? Get to know Squla and play the fun learning quizzes via the ‘guestmode’.
Squla features fun learning quizzes and instructional videos on all subjects for grades Kindergarten through to 6th grade.
Your child will enjoy practicing reading, math, language, and more! All content is fully aligned to Common Core standards.
Additionally, Squla offers practice with the type of questions in standardized tests and provides an invaluable supplement to day-to-day schoolwork.